KB - Kälteberatung



KB KälteBeratung – The Cooling Experts

Our services include consultation, planning, testing and supervision of refrigeration systems for commercial and industrial customers all over Europe.

We support you, whether in the needs-based planning of a new system or in the modernisation of an old one. We accompany you through all planning and project phases, undertake, amongst other things, the role of constructor, act to ensure the invitation to tender is written, and supervise maintenance to the end of the warranty period and beyond.
We increase the efficiency of your systems, reduce your energy consumption and support you in applying for public and private subsidies. 

Our customers profit from:
  • Long term energy cost reduction
  • Significantly increased operational safety
  • Optimised investment in contemporary cooling systems

By utilizing many of the funding opportunities available to the cooling systems sector, the realisation of energy saving potential and a fully developed financial and investment plan, we give you the tools to analyse and control the economic efficiency of your cooling system – transparently and directly.

Our expertise and know-how are at your disposal for questions, independent consultation or risk assessment.
We support you in all aspects of your refrigeration systems.
KB - Kälteberatung
KB - Kälteberatung

Der direkte Draht zur KB Kälteberatung

Falls Sie Fragen haben, Informationen benötigen oder ein persönliches Gespräch wünschen, nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf. Gerne unterstützen wir Sie bei Ihrem Projekt.

  • +49 (0) 261 / 988 223 0
  • +49 (0) 261 / 988 223 23